Dec 1, 2009

Last Month

Here we are having the last month of the 1st day.
time really passing very fast. And me was just waking up.
I have no choice, i sleep later but wake up early.
this is my 2nd day being like this.

As i know, i can't really sleep well.
i think of others things also can't sleep well.
because i never saw you, hear you fall down like that.
I was dreaming you, i was so sad, wake up that time my bed is wet. i drop tears inside my dream!
i know i can't with you for sharing anymore.
i know i can't said to you like tis anymore " Bii , dun cry dun cad.. Dear always with you here, got me here everything will be ok "
but i just can send my comfort to you, just wanna you know be happy always always no matter what tough & stress life you having. because i believe you can make it, you're such a clever & smart girl. So you will overcome it. wipe your tears, and just show them how good you are!

I know i wasting my time again, for thinking useless again.
but i still want her good and wish her.

Tired ~ tired ~ tired ah~~~~

1 comment:

kurukawa said...

I've experince b4...i did dreamt him everyday when break with him. is a type of sickness T.T